Capture Humanity. Inspire Community. is a non-profit online platform dedicated to spotlighting the dynamic, often unsung creatives and community organizations of St. Louis. Through our compelling digital storytelling and educational initiatives, we strive to showcase and support the rich tapestry of talent and community spirit that defines our city. This site is a passion project for passion projects.
We believe St. Louis is filled with stories that live just below the surface of our collective view. These are stories of creativity and hard work, of goodwill and community, and of inspired ideas and the resolve to see them through. At, we discover and document the people, places, and organizations that elevate our community and make our region a better place to be.
The Spotlight Series® began in 2013 as a passion project from a team of local filmmakers, Once Films, and has captured millions of viewers' attention online and over the airwaves. These short documentaries feature the creative efforts of local artists, entrepreneurs, and craftspeople in our region - world-class creative talent in and around St. Louis. This website,, is an evolution and home for the Spotlight Series® - a more accessible place to find great stories: people and places you can share, visit, and support.
We couldn't be more excited to continue this long-standing work of ours with renewed purpose, just when our community needs it the most. All-in-all, we're here to spotlight the best parts of our city, to focus on the good things in front of us, and to share those discoveries with everyone we can.
- the team
The Spotlight Series® is a Federally Registered Trademark of Once, LLC
discovery | di-ˈskə-v(ə-)rē
NOUN 1: the act or process of discovering, e.g., the discovery of a lost city. 2 : something discovered.
ORIGIN first recorded in 1545–55; Medieval Latin discooperire, from Latin dis- "opposite of" + cooperire "to cover up, cover over, overwhelm, bury".